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Performance Through Excellence

Performance Improvement

In 1978, Tom Gilbert published Human Competence: Engineering Worthy Performance. It describes the behavioral-engineering model which become the bible of performance technology.

Gilbert wrote that accomplishment specification is the only logical way to define performance requirements. Accomplishments are the best starting points for developing performance standards. In addition, accomplishments are the best tools for the development of performance-based job descriptions as they allow management to describe the measurement that is important to the organization, specific to the position, and observable.

Exemplary performers represent an organization's ideal workforce, yet they normally make up less than 15% of employees. This performance gap provides an opportunity for organizations to significantly improve workforce performance. Quantifying the gap between exemplary and average employees demonstrates the tremendous potential for organizations to increase the performance of their workforces. Gilbert taught us that helping employees become exemplary performers is still the most effective way for organizations to get the greatest possible return on their training and performance improvement investments.

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