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ADDIE method of ISD


ADDIE, which is the the acronym for Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, & Evaluate, is one method of an Instructional Design System. The ADDIE method was created by the Center for Educational Technology at Florida State University for the U.S. Armed Forces in 1975.

When the ADDIE model first appeared in 1975, it was strictly a linear or waterfall model. For example, in October 1981, Russell Watson presented a paper and wrote:

The five phases of ISD are analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation and control. The first four are sequential in nature, but the evaluation and control phase is a continuous process that is conducted in conjunction with all of the others.

However, by 1984 the model evolved into a more dynamic nature for the first four phases. For example, one U.S. Army training manual reads, “As the model shows, all parts are interrelated. Changes, which occur during one step of the model, affect other steps. In the ISD process, nothing is done in isolation, nor is all done in a linear fashion; activities of various phases may be accomplished concurrently.”

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